Dameisha China Innovation Forum
The Ruling Logic of the Communist Party of China
Editor's notes: As the Communist Party of China will hold its 19th National Congress in 2017, Mr. Zheng examined the ruling logic of the CPC and its social and economic implications. He also offered his views on how the CPC can move forward following the 19th National Congress.
The Switch from “Education for Development” to “Education for Happiness”
Editor's notes: With its roots in a philosophy that values grades rather than the individual talents and creativity, the current education system in South Korea, though producing the largest number of university graduates proportionally, has certain drawbacks. Mr. Moon provided a thorough evaluation of the Korean education system and redefined how happiness can be realized in a healthy education system.
Innovation-driven Development and Change of Perception
There have been hustles and bustles on China’s slowing economic growth. Professor Li first identified the growth pattern of China’s economy. In comparison between the period of industrialization and the information era that we are in today, he pinpointed the importance of a different mindset. Further, Professor Li exemplified the necessity to look beyond economic development.
Improvement in Public Governance Structure: the Foundation of the Sound Development of China’s Capital Market
We know that China’s capital market is still a new market compared with others in developed countries. Yet being new does not necessarily mean it is less mature, as forms of market development varies and we could develop in a much better way by building on the achievements of others. However we need to see that there are still some issues to be solved.
Challenges and Opportunities for regional economic architecture
Editor's notes: The negotiations and ratifications of the two regional trade agreements, TPP and RCEP have captured wide attention. Ms. Cutler aspires that such mega trade agreements can significantly strengthen regional economic integration and lead to an increase in regional economc growth, jobs, trade and investment, and provide an important vehicle and externalforce for needed domestic reforms
November 3, 2016 Thursday
08:00-23:00 Registration
19:00-20:00 Welcome Dinner
Morning November 4, 2016 Friday
09:00-12:30 Opening Plenary
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
Afternoon November 4, 2016 Friday
14:00-17:30 Parallel Sessions
Ⅰ:China’s Reform Forum
Ⅱ:China’s Financial Reform Forum
Ⅲ:China Economist Forum
Ⅳ:Innovations in Science and Technology Forum
Ⅴ:Legal Innovation Forum
Ⅵ:Social Innovation Forum
18:00-19:00 Dinner Break
19:00-21:30 Parallel Nightcap Talks
Media Leadership Dialogue
International Think Tank Dialogue
Morning November 5, 2016 Saturday
09:00-12:00 Parallel Sessions
Ⅶ:Forum on Global Views and China’s Economy
Ⅷ:Forum on Reform & Development of SOEs
Ⅸ:Forum on China’s Education Reform
Ⅹ:China’s Reform Forum (Cont)
Ⅺ:Innovations in Science and Technology Forum (Cont)
Ⅻ:China’s Financial Reform Forum (Cont)
12:00-14:00 Lunch Break
Afternoon November 5, 2016 Saturday
14:30-15:30 Press Q&A
16:00 Group Visit to Shenzhen Innovation and
Development Institute
18:30 Evening Reception at SZIDI
Frederik Willem de KLERK
Yining LI
Yi-fu LIN
Steven N.S. CHEUNG
Steven CHU
Shijin LIU
Shangquan GAO
Rongrong LI
Perry WONG
Meiying ZHANG
Jose Manuel Durao BARROSO
Jie WU
James Gorden BROWN
Dongcheng CHEN
Deping HU
Antony Kam Chung LEUNG
Shenzhen Innovation and Development Institute
HSBC Business School, Peking University
Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University
Graduate School at Shenzhen, Harbin Institute of Technology
China Society of Economic Reform
China Development Institute
China Institute for Reform and Development
Dong Fureng Economic Sciences Development Foundation
Shenzhen Boyuan Foundation
Chinese Association for Science of Science and S&T Policy
China Education 30 Forum
Nanyouquan Internet Technology Ltd.,
Forum Designated Vehicle
Strategic Partner Media